Saturday, August 24, 2013
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Facebook Update "The Latest News" algorithm

5:30 PM
In the last days facebook has updated the algorithm of "the latest news" page (News Feed) for a better and high quality content.
Facebook has previously used a technology algorithm based on the most appropriate news and posts for each user,and for locating the publication among other publications, they use many factors, such as the publisher and the number of Likes, comments, and reviews.

According to Facebook software engineer "Varun Kashoulih" , the network has asked thousands of users about what content is top quality, then add the users answers to a new learning system that integrates with the main algorithm.
The new algorithm takes more than a thousand different workers into consideration in order to determine what is the most appropriate publications within the page of "Latest News", including the quality of the contents of the other pages and the level of integration with the user's profile, and others.

Also Facebook has indicated that they test the new algorithm on a small groupe of users and confirmed that these users found a better interaction with content.
The new algorithm will be published for all users in the next weeks on desktop and mobile copy

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