Today we have many rumors and expectations about the new iphone 5S and it features , users and apple fans today hope that apple create an amazing phone that can make it in the top of phone companies .
Iphone 5S Release Date :

But there are many other rumors that are completely different so they can false , but i will post a new topic when the official informations published by apple .
In fact all these expectations are not from official sources , but they are from rumors and leaks so don't take it as an official releasing date because no one can give you the right releasing date .
Size, display and Design of Iphone 5S :
Iphone 5S will contain a little bigger screen size with 4,2inch (0,2 bigger than iphone 5 screen) , but also there is a high probability that iphone 5S will be annonced with 3 sizes because apple maked a market search and found that there are peoples who like phones with big sizes , other like it with little sizes and others like moyen phones sizes , so you can say that iphone 5S will come with more than one size to cover the desires of customers .

Iphone 5S design can be different of the oher iphone versions , it seems that apple prepare a new surprise especially after the launch of IOS7 Beta and by the last rumors the iphone 5s will be launched with new colors more than the black and white .
IOS 7 and Iphone 5S :
The iphone 5s will come with IOS 7 , and as i say at the beginning of the post that apple will launch iphone 5s after 2 days of the launch of full version of the IOS 7 .
IOS7 is designed to be easy in using hard to copy and the same thing for the phone (iphone 5s) , so it seems like apple prepare a surprise for it customers in many sides (design , size , performances ...) .