Wednesday, July 17, 2013
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Add Banner Advertise Here To Your Blog

5:11 PM
Add Banner Advertise Here To Your Blog

If you want to make money blogging the best way is advertising but to encourage visitors to advertise in your blog the best way to do that is adding an advertise banner to your blog.
And in this post i will show you exactly how to add a banner to your blog (like image bellow)

So the first thing to do is choosing your banner ads , you can use google or create your own banner using photoshop for example .
For the size : if you want to add the banner in the header of the blog i advice you with 728x90px but if you want to add it as a gadget the best is 125x125px .

The seconde step after choosing the banner is upload it in a new post and add the code HTML in a new Gadget .
You can follow this video to learn more .

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