Saturday, June 8, 2013
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How To Update All Drivers At Once

12:14 PM
How To Update All Drivers At Once
Updating drivers is one of the most important things you should do to keep you computer in best performances and in order to avoid many problems like blue screen or Computer freezes .
But updating all drivers may take a long time if you update each driver alone and for this reason i write this post today to show you how to Update All Drivers At Once so you can start updating and go out or doing what you want.

So let's start by downloading Driver Booster 
after you download and install driver booster open it and this what will appear .

Driver booster is searching for new updates to download it at once .

In my computer this software has found 1 driver not updated so when driver boost finish analysing your drivers all you need to do is clicking on Update All .

if you have many drivers to update it you can leave driver booster update all your drivers at ounce and go doing what you want . finally when you return you will find all your drivers are updated and all you need to do is rebooting your computer .

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